
Gastown Riot

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

Gastown (or Grasstown) Riot  or The Battle of Maple Tree Square - August 7, 1971



August 7


The Gastown Riot. “The Battle of Maple Tree Square” drew more than 1,000 people to Gastown as a protest against the illegality of marijuana.



But police on horseback were called in to break it up, arresting 79 and charging 38. A later judicial inquiry headed by Justice Thomas Dohm criticized the action, characterizing it as a “police riot.”



August 14


A “Gastown Festival,” exactly one week after the riot, and meant to repair the area’s image, drew 15,000 peaceful participants.


Here's a link to more: http://www.cannabisculture.com/backissues/mayjune96/grasstown.html




Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 9:06 pm on May 22, 2006

I was caught in the middle of this gestapo tactic as my lead guitarist and myself waited for our drummer to get off work at the Old Spagetti Factory. We watched in horor as the mounted cops,hooves slipping on cobblestone,tracked us down with clubs swinging. It was truly sureal and an eye opener.Later we went off to our own practise. Weeks later "Four Wheel Drive" would open for Harvey Mandel at Gassy Jacks club

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