Golden Lady

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Golden Lady



Written: 1973

Writers: David Jenneson, Alan Hovden, Peter Sinclair

Status: Recorded and published.

Genre and Style: Pop Ballad

Comments: Dave:Golden Lady was a story song with a strong melody and an Elton John feel. When the band Jigger Pine recorded it, however, the singer talked the song instead of singing it. No explanation was ever provided other than the obvious – the mystifying incompetence of the singer and perhaps the whole band. When the album was released Golden Lady had lost everything we’d worked so hard to invest it with. The melody was gone and in its place the overwrought reading of the lyrics by the singer sounded like a student rendering a soliloquy in a high school play. It was so unfortunate we never really talked about it again.


Come down the Yukon River

I was running for the coast

It was in the spring of ’98

I wanted gold the most


I killed a man in Dawson

Shot him for his claim

The Northwest Mounted found

In his own blood he’d scrawled my name.


I’ll be all right in Eagle

But they’re watching Forty Mile

For a very special passenger

They’ll know him by his smile


There is a girl in Dawson

Waiting at the Quay

Wondering if the Klondike

Will be taking her away.


Oh golden lady

I only wanted you to hold

A handful of your golden hair

Worth more than any share

Of this blood dust and gold.


The boat drew into Dawson

And my fears all fell away

I saw me and my Golden Lady

In the U.S.A.


I ran along the levy

Calling out her name

A Northwest Mounted smiled

And drew his gun and did the same.


Oh golden lady

I only wanted you to hold

A handful of your golden hair

Worth more than any share

Of this blood dust and gold.